Richard Shorter

Richard Shorter brings over two decades of experience in supporting and empowering families to his role. Acknowledging that he’s not a perfect dad himself, Richard leverages his background in delivering effective support to organizations and parents, fostering collaboration for the benefit of children. His expertise lies in utilizing sports as a platform to cultivate character and success both on and off the field, offering invaluable insights and strategies to parents and their children. Richard’s qualifications include honours degrees in Community and Youth Studies and Theology, along with certifications in life coaching and facilitation of parenting programs. He’s known for his honesty, passion, and ability to address tough issues without judgment, making him a trusted resource in navigating the challenges of parenting and coaching in high-pressure environments.

Connect with Richard  on LinkedIn.

You can explore more of Hernan’s work on his website,

The music enriching our show is the creative work of Sebastian Klauer. You can reach him at

Graphic and Web Design is the creativity of Elizabeth Arnez, founder of DIDEPRO DG. You can reach her at

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